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İktisadi Büyüme Araştırmaları: Seçilmiş Kaynaklar
(Selected Resources on Economic Growth)

1. İnternetteki İktisadi Büyüme Sayfaları (Economic Growth Resources on the Web)
2. Kavramsal ve Tarihsel Yaklaşım (A Conceptual and Historical Approach to Economic Growth and)
3. Kuramsal Çalışmalar (Theoretical Studies on Economic Growth)
4. Ampirik Bulgular (Empirics of Economic Growth)
5. Türkiye'nin İktisadi Büyüme Performansı (Economic Growth Performance of Turkey)
6. İktisadi Büyüme Politika ve Stratejileri (Economic Growth Policies and Strategies)
7. Ders Kitapları ve Ders Programları (Selected Textbooks and Syllabuses)

1. İnternetteki İktisadi Büyüme Sayfaları (Economic Growth Resources on the Web)

WebEc Guide to Growth and Development
PENN: PRAXIS Resources For Social and Economic Development
Virtual Library on International Development
Jonathan Temple's Economic Growth Resources
Chad's Economic Growth Page
WB's Macroeconomics & Growth Homepage
WB's Economic Growth Research Homepage
WB's Economic Growth Library
Yale Economic Growth Center
OECD's Economic Growth Homepage
Groningen Growth & Development Centre
IEA: A Growth-Trend Conceptual Framework For Empirical Analysis of Macroeconomic Performance
The Penn World Table 5.7 (by Alan Heston & Robert Summers)
The Coming Global Energy Crisis
Brain Food
Club of Rome
CEPA: The History of Economic Thought Website
2004 Türkiye İktisat Kongresi: TEK Büyüme Stratejileri Çalışma Grubu (TEK)

2. Kavramsal ve Tarihsel Yaklaşım (A Conceptual and Historical Approach to Economic Growth)

Kravis, Irving B. (1984): "Comparative Studies of National Income and Prices". Journal of Economic Literature, 22 (March): 1-39.

Marris, Robin (1984): "Comparing the incomes of nations: a critique of the international comparison project". Journal of Economic Literature, 22, 40-57.

Rosenberg, Nathan  and L. E. Birdzell (1987): How the West Grew Rich: The Economic Transformation of the Industrial World. Basic Books; reprint edition. [Türkçesi: Batı Nasıl Zengin Oldu? Endüstri Dünyasının Ekonomik Değişimi. İstanbul: Form Yayınları (Çev.: Erdal Güven), 1992.]

Abramovitz, M. (1989): Thinking About Growth. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Nuxoll, Daniel A. (1994): "Differences in relative prices and international differences in growth rates". American Economic Review, 84, December, 1423-36.

Crafts, N. F. R. (1995): "Exogenous or endogenous growth? The Industrial Revolution reconsidered". Journal of Economic History, December, 745-772

Mankiw, N. Gregory (1995): "The Growth of Nations". Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 1.

Bulutay, T. (1995): Yeni Büyüme Kuramları ve Büyüme, Kalkınma Konusunda Diğer Bazı Yaklaşımlar. Ankara: DPT.

Crafts, N. F. R. and Toniolo, G. (1996): Economic growth in Europe since 1945. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Olson, Mancur (1996): "Big bills left on the sidewalk: why some nations are rich, and others poor". Journal of Economic Perspectives, 10(2), Spring 1996, 3-24.

Heston, Alan and Summers, Robert (1996): "International price and quantity comparisons: potentials and pitfalls". American Economic Review, 86(2), May.

Dowrick, Steve and Quiggin, John (1997): "True measures of GDP and convergence". American Economic Review, 87, March, 41-64.

Klenow, Peter and Rodriguez-Clare, Andres (1997): "Economic Growth: a review essay". Journal of Monetary Economics, 40(3), 597-617.

Nelson, Richard (1997): "How new is new growth theory?" Challenge, 40(5), September/October, 29-58.

Sachs, Jeffrey D. and Warner, Andrew M. (1997): "Fundamental sources of long-run growth". American Economic Review, May, 87(2), 184-88.

De Long, J. Bradford (1998): Estimating World GDP, One Million B.C. - Present. U. C. Berkeley mimeo, December.

Keely, Louise C. and Quah, Danny T. (1998): Technology in growth. CEP Discussion Paper no. 391.

Solow, Robert M. (2000): Growth Theory: An Exposition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2nd ed.

Adelman, Irma and Erinç Yeldan (2000): "Is this the end of economic development?". Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 11(1/2): 95-109.

Maddison, A. (2001): The World Economy: A Millennial Perspective. Paris: OECD.

Kibritçioğlu, A. ve S. Dibooğlu (2001): "Long-Run Economic Growth: An Interdisciplinary Approach". Knowledge, Technology & Policy, 13/4: 59-70. [Matrix!]

Kenny, Charles and David Williams (2001): "What Do Economists Know About Economic Growth? Or Why Don't They Know Very Much?" World Development, 29(1).

Rogers, Mark (2002): A Survey of Economic Growth. Harris Manchester College, Oxford, manuscript (forthcoming in Economic Record).

North, D. C. (2002): Kurumlar, Kurumsal Değişim ve Ekonomik Performans. İstanbul: Sabancı Üniversitesi Yayınları.

Handbook of Economic Growth (Draft Chapters), edited by Philippe Aghion and Steven Durlauf. North Holland, Amsterdam, forthcoming.

Chapter 10: "Growth and Ideas" by Charles I. Jones
Chapter 13: "Historical Perspectives on Growth" by Nicholas Crafts
Chapter 14: "Long-term Economic Growth and the History of Technology" by Joel Mokyr
Chapter 16: "General Purpose Technologies" by Boyan Jovanovic and Peter L. Rousseau
Chapter 17: "Trade, Specialization and Growth" by Jaume Ventura
Chapter 18: "Inequality, Technology, and the Social Contract" by Roland Benabou
Chapter 19: Inequality and Development" by Abhijit Banerjee, and Esther Duflo
Chapter 20: Political Regimes, Institutions, Property Rights, and Growth" by Daron Acemoglu, and James Robinson
Chapter 21: "Finance and Growth" by Ross Levine
Chapter 22: "Urbanization, Economic Geography, and Growth" by J. Vernon Henderson
Chapter 22: "Human Capital and Technology Diffusion" by Jess Benhabib, and Mark Spiegel
Chapter 24: "Technological Progress and Economic Transformation" by Jeremy Greenwood, and Ananth Seshadri
Chapter 31: "A Unified Theory of the Evolution of International Income Levels" by S. Parente, and Edward Prescott
Chapter 32: "Reflections on Growth Theory II" by Robert Solow

3. Kuramsal Çalışmalar (Theoretical Studies on Economic Growth)

Smith, A. (1985 [1776]): Ulusların Zenginliği. Çeviren: A. Yunus ve M. Bakırcı. İstanbul: Alan Yayıncılık.

Savaş, V. (1973): "Büyüme Teorilerinde Gelir Dağılımının Yeri ve Önemi". Eskişehir İTİA Dergisi, 9/1: 147-169.

Han, E. (1981): "Domar-Harrod Ortak Modeli Üzerine". Eskişehir İTİA Dergisi, 17/1: 103-114.

Solow, R. M. (1988): "Growth theory and after". American Economic Review, 78, 307-317.

Romer, Paul M. (1989): "Capital accumulation in the theory of long-run growth". In Robert J. Barro (ed.) Modern business cycle theory. Basil Blackwell, Oxford.

Stern, N. (1991). "The determinants of growth". Economic Journal, 101, 122-133.

Solow, Robert M. (1991). "Growth theory". In D. Greenaway, M. Bleaney, and I. Stewart (eds.) Companion to contemporary economic thought. Routledge, London.

Boltho, A. and Holtham, G. (1992): "The assessment: new approaches to economic growth". Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 8(4): 1-14.

Stolpe, M. (1992): Ansaetze der neuen Wachstumstheorie - ein Literaturuberblick (= Yeni Büyüme Kuramının Yaklaşımları - Literatüre Bir Bakış). Kiel: Institut für Weltwirtschaft, Kieler Arbeitspapiere, Nr. 508.

Helpman, Elhanan (1992): "Endogenous macroeconomic growth theory". European Economic Review, 36, 237-267.

Krugman, Paul (1992): "Toward a counter-counterrevolution in development theory". Proceedings of the World Bank Annual Conference on Development Economics.

Van der Ploeg, F. and Tang, P. J. G. (1992): "The macroeconomics of growth: an international perspective". Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 8(4), Winter, 15-28.

Verspagen. B. (1992): "Endogenous innovation in neo-classical growth models: a survey". Journal of Macroeconomics, Fall 1992, 631-662.

Köse, A. H. (1992): Büyüme ve Verimlilik. Ankara: Milli Prodüktivite Merkezi.

Abramovitz, M. (1993): "The search for the sources of growth: areas of ignorance, old and new". Journal of Economic History, 53, 217-243.

Hammond, P. J. and Rodriguez-Clare, A. (1993): "On endogenizing long run growth". Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 95, 391-425.

Romer, Paul M. (1993): "Idea gaps and object gaps in economic development". Journal of Monetary Economics, 32(3), December, 543-73.

Garcia-Penalosa, C. (1994): "Inequality and growth: a note on recent theories". Investigaciones Economicas, 18, 97-116.

Grossman, Gene M. and Helpman, Elhanan (1994): "Endogenous innovation in the theory of growth". Journal of Economic Perspectives, Winter 1994, 23-44.

Nelson, Richard R. (1994): "What has been the matter with neoclassical growth theory?" In G. Silverberg and L. Soete (eds.) The Economics of Growth and Technical Change. Edward Elgar, Aldershot.

Pack, Howard (1994): "Endogenous growth theory: intellectual appeal and empirical shortcomings". Journal of Economic Perspectives, 8, 55-72.

Romer, Paul M. (1994): "The origins of endogenous growth". Journal of Economic Perspectives, Winter, 8, 3-22.

Solow, Robert M. (1994): "Perspectives on growth theory". Journal of Economic Perspectives, Winter, 45-54.

Alesina, A. and Perotti, R. (1994): "The political economy of growth: a critical survey of the recent literature". World Bank Economic Review, 8(3): 351-371.

McCallum, B. T. (1996): Neoclassical vs. endogenous growth analysis: an overview. Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Economic Quarterly, Fall 1996. Also NBER working paper no. 5844.

Ateş, Sanlı (1996): "Ekonomik Büyümeye Yaklaşımlar ve Yakınsama Sorunu". Çukurova University, Journal of Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 6(1): 79-103.

Jones, Larry and Manuelli, Rodolfo (1997): "The sources of growth". Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 21, 75-114.

Kibritçioğlu, A. (1998): "İktisadi Büyümenin Belirleyicileri ve Yeni Büyüme Modellerinde Beşeri Sermayenin Yeri". AÜSBF Dergisi, 53/1-4: 207-230.

Jovanovic, Boyan (2000): Growth Theory. NBER Working Paper No. 7468. (Prepared for the International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences.)

Sala-i.Martin, X. (2002): 15 Years of New Growth Economics: What Have We Learnt? Central Bank of Chile, Working Papers, No. 172. (Alternatif Link

Kibritçioğlu, A. (2002): "On the Smithian Origins of 'New' Trade and Growth Theories". Economics Bulletin, 2/1: 1-15.

4. Ampirik Bulgular (Empirics of Economic Growth)

Yılmaz, Bahri (1984): Ekonomik Yapı ve Büyüme. Ankara: Hacettepe Üniversitesi İİBF.

Kormendi, R. and P. Meguire (1985): "Macroeconomic Determinants of Growth: Cross-Country Evidence", Journal of Monetary Economics, 16, 141-163.

Jung, W. S. (1986): "Financial development and economic growth: international evidence". Economic Development and Cultural Change, 34, 333-346.

Barro, R.J. (1991): "Economic Growth in a Cross-section of Countries", Quarterly Journal of Economics, CVI, 407-455.

Mankiw, N. Gregory, D. Romer, and D. N. Weil (1992): "A Contribution to the Empirics of Economic Growth", Quarterly Journal of Economics, 407-437. 

King, R. G. and Levine, R. (1992): Financial indicators and growth in a cross section of countries. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper no. 819.

Levine, Ross and Renelt, David (1992): "A sensitivity analysis of cross-country growth regressions". American Economic Review, 82, 942-963.

Mudlak, Yair (1993): "On the Empirical Aspects of Economics Growth Theory". American Economic Review, 83/2: 415-420. 

Barro, R.J. and J.-W. Lee (1993): "Losers and Winners in Economic Growth", NBER WP #4341.

Parente, S.L, and E.C. Prescott (1993): "Changes in the Wealth of Nations", Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Quarterly Review, Spring.

Knight, Malcolm, Norman Loayza and Delano Villaneuva (1993): "Testing the neoclassical theory of economic growth: a panel data approach". IMF Staff Papers, 40(3), 512-541.

Fagerberg, J. (1994): "Technology and international differences in growth rates". Journal of Economic Literature, 1147-1175.

Islam, N. (1995): "Growth empirics: a panel data approach". Quarterly Journal of Economics, 110, 1127-1170.

Harrison, A. (1996): "Openness and growth: a time series, cross-country analysis for developing countries". Journal of Development Economics, 48, 419-447.

Chari, V. V., P. Kehoe and E. McGrattan (1996): "The Poverty of Nations: A Quantitative Exploration", NBER WP# 5414.

Odedokun, M. O. (1996): "Alternative econometric approaches for analysing the role of the financial sector in economic growth: time-series evidence from LDCs". Journal of Development Economics, 50, 119-146.

Evans, Paul and Karras, Georgios (1996): "Do economies converge? Evidence from a panel of US states". Review of Economics and Statistics, 78(3), August, 384-388.

Caselli, F., Esquivel, G. and Lefort, F. (1996): "Reopening the convergence debate: a new look at cross-country growth empirics", Journal of Economic Growth, September, 1(3), 363-90.

Thirlwall, Anthony P. and Gianluca Sanna (1996): "The Macro Determinants of Growth and 'New' Growth Theory: An Evaluation and Further Evidence". In Employment, Economic Growth and the Tyranny of the Market - Essays in Honour of Paul Davidson, Vol. 2, edited by Philip Arestis. Cheltenham & Brookfield: Edward Elgar, 131-156. 

Sinha, Tapen and Dipendra Sinha (1996): "An empirical investigation into the relationship between openness and economic growth: evidence from Asia". International Review of Economics and Business, April, 359-370.

De Long, J. Bradford (1996): "A Short Review of Economic Growth: Theories and Policies". Berkeley: University of California at Berkeley, mimeo (prel. draft). 

Benhabib, Jess and Spiegel, Mark (1997): Cross-country growth regressions. C. V. Starr Center for Applied Economics, NYU, research report 97-20.

Easterly, William, Norman Loayza and Montiel, Peter (1997): "Has Latin America's post-reform growth been disappointing?" Journal of International Economics, 43(3-4), November, 287-311.

Gundlach, Erich (1997): "Openness and economic growth in developing countries". Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, 133, 479-496.

Sala-i-Martin, Xavier (1997): "I just ran two million regressions". American Economic Review, 87/2: 178-183. 

Brunetti, Aymo (1997): "Political variables in cross-country growth analysis". Journal of Economic Surveys, 11(2), 163-190.

de la Fuente, Angel (1997): "The empirics of economic growth and convergence: a selective review". Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 21, 23-73.

Jones, Charles I. (1997): "On the evolution of the world income distribution". Journal of Economic Perspectives, Summer, 11(3), 19-36.

Easterly, William and Levine, Ross (1997): Africa's growth tragedy: policies and ethnic divisions. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 112, November, 1203-1250.

Arestis, P. and P. O. Demetriades (1997): "Financial development and economic growth: assessing the evidence". Economic Journal, 107, 783-799.

Lee, Kevin; Pesaran, M. Hashem, and Smith, Ron (1997): "Growth and convergence in a multi-country empirical stochastic Solow model". Journal of Applied Econometrics, 12(4), July-August, 357-392.

Durlauf, Steven N. and Danny T. Quah (1998): The New Empirics of Economic Growth. No 3 in Working papers from Wisconsin Madison - Social Systems (113 pages). 

Chung, Kim-Sau (1998): A Lousy Survey on Growth Empirics. (An explanatory note to "Growth Regression Table" included in Durlauf and Quah (1998). Northwestern University, mimeo. 

Barro, R. J. (1998): Determinants of Economic Growth: A Cross-Country Empirical Study. MIT Press. 

Lee, Kevin; Pesaran, M. Hashem, and Smith, Ron (1998): "Growth empirics: a panel data approach - a comment". Quarterly Journal of Economics, 113(1), February, 319-323.

Lee, Michael; Longmire, Ritchard; Matyas, Laszlo, and Harris, Mark (1998): "Growth convergence: some panel data evidence". Applied Economics, 30(7), July, 907-912.

Evans, Paul (1998): "Using panel data to evaluate growth theories". International Economic Review, 39(2): 295-306.

Bloom, David E. and Jeffrey D. Sachs (1998): "Geography, demography, and economic growth in Africa". Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 207-73.

Ateş, Sanlı (1998): "İçsel Büyüme Modellerinde Fiziksel Sermaye Yatırımlarının Önemi: Uluslararası Verilerle Bir Bakış". Çukurova University, Journal of Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 8(1).

Cox, W. M. (1998): Some Unpleasant Growth Arithmetic? Dallas: FED of Dallas, October.

Duffy, John and Papageorgiou, Christopher (1999): "A cross-country empirical investigation of the aggregate production function specification". Journal of Economic Growth, 5(1), March, 87-120.

McGrattan, Ellen R. and Schmitz, James A. Jr (1999): "Explaining cross-country income differences". In Handbook of Macroeconomics. Volume 1A. Amsterdam, New York and Oxford: Elsevier Science, North-Holland, 669-737.

Temple, Jonathan (1999): "The new growth evidence". Journal of Economic Literature, 37(1), 112-156. 

McGrattan, Ellen R. and Schmitz, James A. Jr (1999): "Explaining cross-country income differences". In Handbook of Macroeconomics. Volume 1A. Amsterdam, New York and Oxford: Elsevier Science, North-Holland, 669-737.

Barro, Robert J. (1999): "Notes on Growth Accounting". Journal of Economic Growth, 4: 119-137. 

Hall, R. and Jones, C. (1999): "Why do some countries produce so much more output per worker than others?" Quarterly Journal of Economics, 114(1), 84-116. 

Howitt, Peter (1999): "Endogenous growth and cross-country income differences". American Economic Review, 90(4), 829-846.

Dinopoulos, E. and Thompson, P. (1999): "Reassessing the empirical validity of the human-capital augmented neoclassical growth model". Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 9(1), 135-154.

Levine, Ross, Norman Loayza and T. Beck (2000): "Financial intermediation and growth: causality and causes". Journal of Monetary Economics, 46(1), 31-77.

Aron, Janine (2000): "Growth and Institutions: A Review of the Evidence". World Bank Research Observer, 15(1): 99-135. 

Hoover, Kevin D. and Perez, Stephen J. (2000): "Truth and robustness in cross-country growth regressions". Manuscript, UC Davis.

Sala-i-Martin, Xavier, Doppelhofer, Gernot and Miller, Ronald (2000): Determinants of long-run growth: a Bayesian Averaging of Classical Estimates (BACE) approach. NBER working paper no. 7750.

Temple, Jonathan (2000): "Growth regressions and what the textbooks don't tell you". Bulletin of Economic Research, 52(3), 181-205.

Benhabib, Jess and Mark M. Spiegel (2000): "The role of financial development in growth and investment". Journal of Economic Growth, 5(4), 341-360.

Minier, Jenny (2001): "Political Instiutions and Economic Growth". Knowledge, Technology & Policy, 13/4: 85-93

Easterly, William (2001): The Elusive Quest for Growth: Economists' Adventures and Misadventures in the Tropics. MIT Press.

Easterly, William and Levine, Ross (2001): "It's Not Factor Accumulation: Stylized Facts and Growth Models". World Bank Economic Review, 15(2), 177-219. 

Bassanini, Andrea, Scarpetta, Stefano and Hemmings, Philip (2001): Economic growth: the role of policies and institutions. Panel data evidence from OECD countries. OECD Economics working paper no. 283.

Fernandez, C., Ley, Eduardo and Steel, Mark F. J. (2001): "Model Uncertainty in Cross-Country Growth Regressions". Journal of Applied Econometrics.

Brock, William A. and Durlauf, Steven N. (2001): "Growth empirics and reality". World Bank Economic Review, 15(2), 229-72. 

Acemoğlu, Daron, Simon Johnson and James A. Robinson (2001): "The colonial origins of comparative development: an empirical investigation". American Economic Review, December, 91(5), 1369-1401. (NBER WP version)

McArthur, John W. and Sachs, Jeffrey D. (2001): Institutions and geography: comment on Acemoglu, Johnson and Robinson (2000). NBER working paper no. 8114.

Loayza, Norman and Raimundo Soto (2002): Economic Growth: Sources, Trends and Cycles. Santiago: Central Bank of Chile, Series on Central Banking, Analysis, and Economic Policies, v6. 

Loayza, Norman and Raimundo Soto (2002): "The Sources of Economic Growth: An Overview". In Economic Growth: Sources, Trends and Cycles. edited by N. Loayza and R. Soto. Santiago: Central Bank of Chile

Bleaney, Michael and Nishiyama, Akira (2002): "Explaining Growth: A Contest between Models". Journal of Economic Growth, 7(1), 43-56.

Acemoğlu, Daron, Simon Johnson and James A. Robinson (2002): The Rise of Europe: Atlantic Trade, Institutional Change and Economic Growth. MIT, working paper.

Acemoğlu, Daron, Simon Johnson and James A. Robinson (2003): "Disease and Development in Historical Perspective". Forthcoming in: Journal of the European Economic Association.

Acemoğlu, Daron, and Jaume Ventura (2002): "The World Income Distribution". Quarterly Journal of Economics, 117: 659-694.

Handbook of Economic Growth (Draft Chapters), edited by Philippe Aghion and Steven Durlauf. North Holland, Amsterdam, forthcoming. 

Ch. 7: "Econometrics of Economic Growth" by Steven Durlauf
Ch. 8: "Cross-Country Growth Patterns" by Francesco Caselli
Ch. 9: "The World Income Distribution" by Danny Quah
Ch. 10: "Growth and Ideas" by Charles I. Jones
Ch. 11: "Measuring Quality Change and Externalities" by Peter Klenow
Ch. 12: "Growth Accounting" by Dale Jorgenson
Ch. 13: "Historical Perspectives on Growth" by Nicholas Crafts
Ch. 14: "Long-term Economic Growth and the History of Technology" by Joel Mokyr
Ch. 15: "Historical Perspectives on Institutions" by Avner Greif

5. Türkiye'nin İktisadi Büyüme Performansı (Economic Growth Performance of Turkey)

Krueger, Anne O. (1987): "The Importance of Economic Policy in Development: Contrasts Between Korea and Turkey". National Bureau of Economic Research WP No. 2195; published as reprinted in Estudios de Economia, Universidad de Chile, 1988, 15(2): 229-265.

Yeldan, Erinç (1989): "Structural Adjustment and Trade in Turkey: Investigating the Alternatives 'Beyond Export-led Growth''". Journal of Policy Modeling, 11(2): 273-296.

Suiçmez, Halit (1991): "Ekonomik Büyümenin Verimlilik Temeline Dayandırılması". İktisat, İşletme ve Finans Dergisi, 6 (61-2): 77-90.

Öniş, Ziya and James Riedel (1993): Economic Crises and Long-Term Growth in Turkey. Washington, DC: The World Bank.

Dündar, S. et al. (1995): "Türkiye Ekonomisi Sürekli Bir Büyüme Çizgisine Nasıl Sokulabilir?". Söyleşi. Banka ve Ekonomik Yorumlar Dergisi, 32/7: 5-26.

Utkulu, U., S. Ghatak ve C. Milner (1995): "Trade Liberalization and Endogenous Growth: Some Evidence for Turkey". Economics of Planning, 28: 147-167.

Güngör, Nil Demet (1996): "Education and Economic Growth in Turkey, 1980-1990: A panel Study". Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi.

Çeçen, A. A.; A. S. Doğruel; F. Doğruel (1996): Türkiye'de Ekonomik Büyüme, Yapısal Dönüşüm ve Kriz. İstanbul: Ege Yayınları, 3. baskı.

Özmen, E. ve G. Furtun (1997): "Export-led Growth Hypothesis and the Turkish Data: An Empirical Investigation". METU Economic Research Center Working Paper, No: 97/5.

Yamak, N. ve Y. Küçükkale (1997): "Türkiye'de Kamu Harcamaları Ekonomik Büyüme İlişkisi". İktisat, İşletme ve Finans, Yıl 12, Sayı 131, 5-14.

Ateş, Sanlı (1998): Yeni İçsel Büyüme Teorileri ve Türkiye Ekonomisinin Büyüme Dinamiklerinin Analizi. Adana: Çukurova Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, yayınlanmamış doktora tezi.

Ateş, Sanlı; Altan Çubuk and Nejat Erk (1998): "Long-Run Growth and Physical Capital-Human Capital Concentration". Working Paper presented at the International METU Conference on Economics II, September 11, 1998, Ankara, Turkey.

Voyvoda, Ebru, and Erinç Yeldan (1999): "Patterns of Productivity Growth and the Wage Cycle in Turkish Manufacturing". Working Paper presented at the International METU Conference on Economics V, September 8-11, 1999, Ankara, Turkey.

Metin-Özcan, Kıvılcım; Ebru Voyvoda, and Erinç Yeldan (1999): "Dynamics of Macroeconomic Adjustment in A Globalized Developing Economy: Growth, Accumulation and Distribution, Turkey 1969-1998". Working Paper presented at the Gazi University Conference on "The Anatomy of the Crisis", May 1999, Ankara, Turkey.

Ateş, Sanlı, and Nejat Erk (1999): "Long-Run Growth Effect of the Physical Capital-Human Capital Complementarity: An Approach by Time Series Techniques". Working Paper presented at the International METU Conference on Economics V, September 8-11, 1999, Ankara, Turkey.

Özsoy, O. (1999): "Health Expenditures and Their Impact on the Economic Growth and Social Well-Being of Turkey". ERC/METU, International Conference in Economics III, September 8-11, 1999, Ankara.

Bayar, Ali; Xinshen Diao and Erinç Yeldan (2000): "An Intertemporal, Multi-region General Equilibrium Model of Agricultural Trade Liberalization in the South Mediterranean NIC's, Turkey, and the European Union". IFPRI, Trade and Macroeconomics Division Discussion Paper no 56.

Canpolat, Naci (2000): "Türkiye’de Beşeri Sermaye Birikimi ve Ekonomik Büyüme". Hacettepe Üniversitesi İ.İ.B.F. Dergisi, 18(2): 265-281.

Köse, N. ve A. Yiğidim (2000): "Toda-Yamamoto Yöntemi ile İhracata Dayalı Büyüme Hipotezinin Testi: Türkiye Örneği (1980-1998)". İstatistik Sempozyumu, 27-28 Nisan, Gazi Üniversitesi, İstatistik Bölümü, Ankara.

Kar, M. (2000): "Human Capital Accumulation, Financial Development and Economic Growth: Time Series Evidence for Turkey". ERC/METU, International Conference in Economics III, September 13-16, 2000, Ankara.

Kar, M. ve E. J. Pentecost (2000): "Financial Development and Economic Growth in Turkey: Further Evidence on the Causality Issue". Loughborough University, Department of Economics, Economic Research Paper No. 00/27.

Ateş, Sanlı, Tuba Direkçi and Nejat Erk (2000): "Convergence and Growth within GAP Region (South Eastern Anatolia Project) and Overall Turkey’s Regions". Working Paper presented at the International METU Conference on Economics V, September 13-16, 2000, Ankara, Turkey.

Ateş, Sanlı, Nejat Erk and İsmail Tuncer (2000): "Test of Endogenous Growth Theory via Technological Spillover Effects of International Capital Good Flows". Working Paper presented at the International METU Conference on Economics V, September 13-16, 2000, Ankara, Turkey.

Ateş, Sanlı (2001): "Kamu Harcamaları ve Vergi Politikalarının Uzun Dönemli Büyüme sürecine Etkileri: Yeni İçsel Büyüme Modelleri Açısından Bir Bakış ve Türkiye Örneği". Working Paper presented at the International METU Conference on Economics V, September 10-13, 2001, Ankara, Turkey.

İsmihan, M., K. Metin-Özcan ve A. Tansel (2001): "Macroeconomic Instability, Capital Accumulation and Growth: The Case of Turkey 1963-1999". ERC/METU International Conference in Economics V, Eylül 2001.

Bayraktar, Bahar (2001): "Investigation  on  Sources  of  Growth  for  Turkey, 1968-1998". Paper presented at the International METU Conference on Economics V, September 10-13, 2001, Ankara, Turkey.

Karluk, R. (2001): "Türkiye’de Yabancı Sermaye Yatırımlarının Ekonomik Büyümeye Katkısı". İçinde yayınlandığı kitap: A. Tarhan (der.), Ekonomik İstikrar, Büyüme ve Yabancı Sermaye, TC Merkez Bankası İnsan Kaynakları Genel Müdürlüğü, Ankara.

Önder, İzzettin (2001): "Kayıtdışı Ekonomi ve Vergileme", İstanbul Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi Dergisi, Sayı :23-24, Ekim 2000-Mart 2001.

Filiztekin, Alpay (2001): Openness and Productivity Growth in Turkish Manufacturing. Sabanci University Discussion Paper Series No. 0104.

Balkan, Erol; Gül Biçer and Erinç Yeldan (2002): "Patterns Of Financial Capital Flows And Accumulation In The Post-1990 Turkish Economy". Working Paper presented at the International METU Conference on Economics VI, September 2002, Ankara, Turkey.

Filiztekin, Alpay (2002): Agglomeration and Growth in Turkey, 1980-1995. Sabanci University Discussion Paper Series No. 0201.

Selçuk Akkay, (2002): "Corruption and Economic Growth", The Journal of Ankara University Faculty of Political Science, Vol:57/1, January-March 2002.

Onaran, Özlem and Engelbert Stockhammer (2002): "Two Different Export-oriented Growth Strategies under a Wage-led Accumulation Regime:à la Turca and à la South Korea", Political Economy Research Institute, Working Paper Series, Number:38.

Doğan, S. ve H. Bozkurt (2002): "Eğitim-İktisadi Büyüme İlişkisi ve Türkiye İçin Kointegrasyon Analizi". İnternet: www.bilgiyonetimi.org

Barbaros, Funda and Meneviş Öğüt (2003): "Regional Development Inequalities in Turkey: An Assestment on the Distribution
of Investment Insentives",  METU Conference in Economics, September 6-9, 2003, Ankara.

Akdede, Sacit Hadi (2003): "Economic Liberalization, Markups and Total Factor Productivity Growth in Turkey's Manifacturing Industries", METU Conference in Economics, September 6-9, 2003, Ankara.

Karahan, Özcan ve Gökhan Orhan (2003): "Çevre Koruma ve Ekonomik Büyüme İlişkisinde Sıfır Toplamlı Oyunun Sonu Mu?", ODTÜ Ekonomi Kongresi, 6-9 Eylül 2003, Ankara.

Soyak, Alkan (2003): "Türkiye'de İktisadi Planlama: DPT'ye İhtiyaç Var Mı?", Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi,  4(2): 167-182.

Karaca, Orhan (2003): "Türkiye'de Enflasyon - Büyüme İlişkisi: Zaman Serisi Analizi", Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi, 4(2): 247-255.

Yeldan, Erinç (2003): "Büyümenin Kaynaklari Üzerine". Bağımsız Sosyal Bilimciler, İktisat ve Toplum Köşe Yazısı.

Kar, M. ve H. Ağır (2003): "Türkiye’de Beşeri Sermaye ve Ekonomik Büyüme: Nedensellik Testi". II. Ulusal Bilgi, Ekonomi ve Yönetim Kongresi, Kocaeli Üniversitesi, 17-18 Mayıs, Derbent-İzmit, Türkiye.

Kar, M. ve S. Taban (2003): "Kamu Harcama Çeşitlerinin Ekonomik Büyümeye Etkisi". Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, 58(3).

Doğruel, A. S. ve F. Doğruel (2003): "Türkiye’de Büyüme ve Makroekonomik İstikrar". İçinde yayınlandığı kitap: A. K. Köse, F. Şenses ve E. Yeldan (derl.), İktisadi Kalkınma, Kriz ve İstikrar, İletişim Yayınları, İstanbul, 401-428.

Utkulu, U. ve D. Özdemir (2003): "Does Trade Liberalization Cause a Long-Run Economic Growth in Turkey?". Economic Modeling Annual Conference, 3-5 Temmuz 2003, İstanbul.

6. İktisadi Büyüme Politika ve Stratejileri (Economic Growth Policies and Strategies)

Pajestka, Josef (1966): "Analysis of Some Aspects of Polish Economic Growth Policy". Eastern European Economics, 5(2): p35, 11p.

Balassa, Bela (1970): "Growth Strategies in Semi-Industrial Countries". Quarterly Journal of Economics, 84(1): 24-47.

Ofer, Gur (1976):  "Industrial Structure, Urbanization, and the Growth Strategy of Socialist Countries". Quarterly Journal of Economics, 90(2): p219, 26p.

Rushing, Francis W., and Anne R. Lieberman (1977): "The Role of U.S. Imports in the Soviet Growth Strategy for the Seventies". Journal of International Business Studies, 8(2): p31, 17p.

Vintrova, Ruzena (1977): "Reducing the Material Intensity of Production - The Only Possible Growth Strategy". Eastern European Economics, 15(4): p50, 10p.

Ofer, Gur (1987): "Soviet Economic Growth: 1928-1985". Journal of Economic Literature, 25(4): 1767, 67p.

Krueger, Anne O. (1987): "The Importance of Economic Policy in Development: Contrasts Between Korea and Turkey". National Bureau of Economic Research WP No. 2195; published as reprinted in Estudios de Economia, Universidad de Chile, 1988, 15(2): 229-265.

Easterly, W. R..; D. L. Wetzel (1989): Policy Determinants of Growth: Survey of Theory and Evidence. Washington, DC: IBRD/World Bank, PPR Working Papers 243.

Quinn, D. P., and R. Y. Shapiro (1991): "Economic growth strategies: The effects of ideological partisanship on interest rates and Business Taxation in the United States". American Journal of Political Science, 35(3): p656, 30p.

Samonis, Valdas (1992): "Possibilities and limitations of an outward-looking growth strategy in Eastern Europe: A ...".  East European Quarterly, 26(3): p279, 12p.

Chan, Kam Wing (1992): "Economic Growth Strategy and Urbanization Policies in China, 1949-1982". International Journal of Urban & Regional Research, 16(2): p275, 31p.

Gulati, U.C. (1992): "The foundations of rapid economic growth: The case of the Four Tigers". American Journal of Economics & Sociology, 51(2): p161, 12p.

In, Francis, and Pasquale Sgro (1998): "Export growth and its determinants: Some evidence for South Korea and Singapore". Applied Economics Letters, 5(4): p225, 6p.

Rozo, Carlos (1999): "Mexico's Failed Growth Strategy". Dollars & Sense, Issue 225 (Sep/Oct): 10-12.

Diao, Xinshen; Terry Roe, and Erinç Yeldan (1999): "Strategic policies and growth: an applied model of R&D-driven endogenous growth". Journal of Development Economics, 60(2): 343-380.

Rodrigo, G. Chris (2000): "East Asia's Growth: Technology or Accumulation?" Contemporary Economic Policy, 18(2): p215, 13p.

Ruiz-Napoles, Pablo (2001): "Liberalisation, Exports and Growth in Mexico 1978-94: a structural analysis". International Review of Applied Economics, 15(2): ?.?.

Senauer, Ben (2002): "A Pro–Poor Growth Strategy to End Hunger". American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 84(3): p826, 6p.

Kerr, Roger (2003): "New Zealand's Flawed Growth Strategy". Policy, 19(1): 3-7.

Handbook of Economic Growth Draft Chapters edited by Philippe Aghion and Steven Durlauf. North Holland, Amsterdam, forthcoming.

Chapter 5:  "Growth Strategies" by Dani Rodrik 
Chapter 25: "National Policies and Economic Growth: A Reappraisal" by William Easterly
Chapter 30: "Policy Evaluation and the New Growth Theory" by William Brock and Steven N. Durlauf

7. Ders Kitapları ve Ders Programları (Selected Textbooks and Syllabuses)

Yabancı Ders Kitapları (Foreign Textbooks or Economic Growth and Development):
Rostow, W. W. (1990): Theorists of Economic Growth from David Hume to the Present with a Perspective on the Next Century. New York: Oxford University Press.

Grossman, Gene M. and Helpman, Elhanan (1991). Innovation and growth in the global economy. MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass.

Barro, Robert J. and Sala-i-Martin, Xavier (1995). Economic growth. McGraw-Hill, Boston, Mass.

Jones, Charles I. (2002): Introduction to Economic Growth. W W Norton & Co., 2. ed. (First ed.: 1997).

Aghion, P. and P. Howitt, Endogenous Growth Theory, MIT Press.

Gylfason, Thorvaldur (1999). Principles of Economic Growth. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

van Den Berg, Hendrick (2001): Economic Growth and Development. McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

Romer, David (2001). Advanced macroeconomics, 2nd edition, chapters 1-3. McGraw-Hill, Boston, Mass.

Lucas, Robert (2002). Lectures on economic growth. Cambridge and London: Harvard University Press.

Handbook of Economic Growth (Draft Chapters), edited by Philippe Aghion and Steven Durlauf. North Holland, Amsterdam, forthcoming.

Türkçe Ders Kitapları (Turkish Textbooks on Economic Growth and Development):
Bulutay, T. (1972): İktisadi Büyüme Modelleri Üzerine Açıklamalar ve Eleştirmeler. Ankara: AÜSBF Yay. Num. 341.

Adelman, I. (1972): Ekonomik Büyüme ve Kalkınma Teorileri. Çeviren: V. Savaş. İstanbul: Bursa İTİA.

Akyüz, Y. (1980): Sermaye, Bölüşüm, Büyüme. Ankara: AÜSBF, ikinci baskı.

Kregel, J. A. (1982): İktisadi Büyüme Teorisi. Çeviren: O. Gökay. İstanbul: Akbank Kültür Yayınları.

Savaş, V. (1986): Ekonomik Kalkınma. 4. Baskı. İstanbul: Beta Basım Yayım Dağıtım.

Hiç, Mükerrem (1994): Büyüme ve Gelişme Ekonomisi. İstanbul: Filiz Kitabevi.

Ünay, C. (1996): Ekonomik Konjonktür (Analiz - Teori - Tahmin). 5. Baskı. Bursa: Ekin Kitabevi Yayınları.

Parasız, İlker (1997): Modern Büyüme Teorileri: Dinamik Makro Ekonomiye Giriş. Bursa: Ezgi.

Jones, Charles I. (2001): İktisadi Büyümeye Giriş. Ankara: Litaratür Yayıncılık, Çevirenler: S. Ateş ve İ. Tuncer.

Tezel, Y. S. (2003): İktisadi Büyüme. Ankara: İmaj Yayıncılık.

Ders Programları (Growth & Development Course Syllabuses):
Erinç Yeldan (Bilkent, Ankara, Turkey)
Aykut Kibritçioğlu (Ankara, Turkey)
Sanlı Ateş (Çukurova, Turkey) - Ders Notları
Şirin Saracoğlu (METU, Ankara, Turkey)
Xavier Sala-i-Martin (Columbia, USA)
Brad De Long (Berkeley, USA)
David Nathan Weil (Harvard, USA)
Thomas F. Rutherford (Colorado, USA) [broken link]
Steve Dowrick (Canberra, Australia)
Peter Thompson (Trinity, USA)
Axel A. Weber (Bonn, Germany)
Axel A. Weber (Bonn, Germany)
Jorge G. Gonzalez (Houston, USA)
Fabrizio Zilibotti & Kjetil Storesletten (Stockholm, Sweden)
Peter Howitt & Eric Fisher (Ohio State, USA)
Karlhans Sauernheimer (Koblenz, Germany)
Bertram Schefold (Frankfurt, Germany)
Thomas Gries (Paderborn, Germany)
Juergen Kopf (Würzburg, Germany)
R. A. Stanford (Furman, USA)
Hans-Rimbert Hemmer (Giessen, Germany)
W. Assenmacher (Essen, Germany)
Otwin Becker (Heidelberg, Germany)
Bernd Meyer (Osnabrück, Germany)
H.-W. Lorenz (Jena, Germany)

[Online since: November 4, 2003]
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